Our Electromagnetic Systems Group received the Best Measurement Paper Award at the recent EUCAP - 2015 European Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Lisbon, Portugal for the paper "DTU-ESA Millimeter-Wave Validation Standard Antenna (mm-VAST) - Detailed Design".
The paper is based on an on-going ESA-project for Development of a new 20/30/40/50 GHz reference antenna for validation of high-accuracy antenna Measurement facilities, and it documents the electrical as well as mechanical design that needs to be extremely stable with changes in temperature and antenna orientation in the gravity field.
It is authored by Oleksiy S. Kim, Sergey N. Pivnenko and Olav Breinbjerg as well as colleagues from DTU Wind Energy and the Danish comapny TICRA.
EUCAP is the largest European conference in the field of antennas with 1000+ accepted papers.