From 2 to 30 Jan 2017 our group hosted Ms. Mina Bjelogrlic from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérele de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, where she is currently working towards her doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering. Mina is working in the area of Computational Electromagnetics and Inverse Problems and studying imaging modalities for brain stroke monitoring and follow-up.
She is involved in the COST Action TD1301 on "Development of a European-based Collaborative Network to Accelerate Technological, Clinical and Commercialisation Progress in the Area of Medical Microwave Imaging" and, in this framework, had been selected for a Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) in collaboration with DTU. During her stay at the EMS group she was conducting measurements on multi-layered spherical models representing the brain and its different tissue layers. The goal of this measurement campaign was the validation of theoretical models through experiments for which the EMS group provided the necessary devices and measurement setup.