DTU Elektro’s building 353, housing the DTU-ESA Spherical Near-Field Antenna Test Facility and two other laboratories, has had a complete renovation of its exterior walls. The aged grey metal plates from the late 1960s have been discarded and replaced with 150 mm insulation material, a fiber-cement plate, and new black metal plates on the outside. Furthermore, all old doors and windows have been renewed, and a lightning protection system has been installed on the roof. The insulation will facilitate a more stable temperature for the experiments in the laboratories using less energy, and the lightning protection system will ensure that critical experiments are not interrupted by power failures due to lightning. With this 2019 exterior renovation and the 2017/18 building infrastructure upgrade, DTU Elektro now has a high-quality building 353 ready for the next 50 years of advanced antenna measurements. For more information, please contact professor Olav Breinbjerg.