New PostDoc Ick-Jae Yoon

Monday 12 Nov 12
by Anne Kok


Mr. Ick-Jae Yoon, Ph.D.  has started by September 24, 2012 his  Hans Christian Ørsted postdoc project with DTU Elektro’s Electromagnetic Systems (EMS) group.

Ick Jae’s research will concern active wideband matching of electrically small antennas and electromagnetic energy harvesting;  and it thus constitutes an extension of recent year’s activities in antenna miniaturization at EMS. 

Ick-Jae obtained his M.Sc.E.E. degree from Yonsei University, South Korea and his Ph.D. degree from University of Texas at Austin, USA  in 2005 and 2012, respectively and has worked for 3 years with Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, South Korea. 

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