Probe-corrected Phaseless Near-field Antenna Measurements

By Javier Fernandez Alvarez

Complex near-field antenna measurements in radioanechoic chambers are widely used techniques for accurate characterization of antenna radiation patterns. They employ measurements of the complex field (both magnitude and phase) over the surface around the antenna.  In some cases the phase cannot be measured reliably, or is not available. Thus, a phaseless measurement technique is a measurement of only the magnitude of the field and the retrieval of the phase by other means.

This project will address aspects of the performance of probe-corrected phase retrieval. Specifically, it will address possibilities for improving the choice of an initial guess for phase retrieval, different configurations for retrieval using two measurements at two different surfaces, or with different positions of the antenna. Real measurement data obtained at the DTU-ESA Spherical Near-Field Measurement Facility will be employed.

The project aims to improve the accuracy and reliability of phaseless measurement techniques with the objective of bringing these in line with the mature and well-established complex near-field techniques.

To be completed: 2022.


Javier Fernandez Alvarez
DTU Space
+45 45 25 38 21