Guest Lecture by Prof. Gerhard Kristensson, Lund University

Multiple Electromagnetic Scattering by Randomly Distributed and

Oriented Obstacles

Scattering of electromagnetic waves by discrete, randomly distributed objects is addressed. In general, the non-intersecting scattering objects can be of arbitrary form, material and shape. The main aim of the talk is to calculate the coherent reflection and transmission characteristics of a finite or semi-infinite slab containing discrete, randomly distributed scatterers. Typical applications of the results are found at a wide range of frequencies (radar up to optics), such as attenuation of electromagnetic propagation in rain, fog, and clouds etc. The integral representation of the solution of the deterministic problem constitutes the underlying framework of the stochastic problem. Conditional averaging and the employment of the Quasi Crystalline Approximation lead to a system of integral equations in the unknown expansion coefficients. Of special interest is the slab geometry, which implies a system of integral equations in the depth variable. Explicit solutions for tenuous media and low frequency approximations can be obtained for spherical obstacles. Some numerical simulations that relate to the homogenization problem are also presented.

Brief biography for Prof. Gerhard Kristensson

Gerhard Kristensson received his B.S. degree in mathematics and physics in 1973, and the Ph.D. degree in theoretical physics in 1979, both from the University of Göteborg, Sweden. In 1983, he was appointed Docent in theoretical physics at the University of Göteborg.

During 1977-1984 he held a research position sponsored by the National Swedish Board for Technical Development (STU) and he was Lecturer at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Göteborg from 1980-
1984. In 1984-1986, he was a Visiting Scientist at the Applied Mathematical Sciences group, Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University. He held a Docent position at the Department of Electromagnetic Theory, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm during 1986-1989, and in 1989, he was appointed the Chair of Electromagnetic Theory at Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden. He retired from his chair December 31, 2014, and he is now Professor Emeritus at Lund University.

In 1992, 1997 and 2007 he was a Visiting Erskine Fellow at the Department of Mathematics, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. In fall 2015, he was a visiting scientist at the Department of Mathematics, Colorado State University, CO, USA.

Gerhard Kristensson has served as a member of the Board of Editors of Wave Motion, the Editorial Board and the International Advisory Panel of Inverse Problems, and the Review Board of Journal of
Electromagnetic Waves and Applications and Progress in Electromagnetic Research.

He is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics, and during 1991-2014, he served as a board member of the Swedish National committee of Radio Science (SNRV). From 1994-2005, he was the chairman of
Commission B of SNRV and Official Member of URSI, Commission B for Sweden. He was the chairman of SNRV during 2006-2014, and at the same time, he was the official representative for Sweden in the International Union of Radio Science (URSI).

Kristensson has a general interest in electromagnetic scattering problems (incl. inverse scattering problems) and wave propagation in inhomogeneous media. The propagation of transient electromagnetic
waves in complex media, such as dispersive anisotropic and bi-isotropic media, are stressed. High frequency scattering methods, asymptotic expansions, optical fibers, antenna problems, and mixture
formulas are also of interest, as well as radome design problems and homogenization of complex materials.

He has written five books and he is the author of over hundred journal and conference publications.


Mon 26 Jun 17
13:15 - 14:30



DTU Lyngby Campus

Ørsteds Plads Building 348 / room 227