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11 JAN

"Super energetic"

Best teacher of the semester at DTU Electrical Engineering Tom Keinicke Johansen acknowledged at a virtual Department meeting.

Microwave technology Electromagnetism Antennas
06 OCT

H.C. Ørsted Medal for disseminator of electromagnetism

The Society for the Dissemination of Natural Sciences (SNU) awards the H.C. Ørsted Medal in silver for associate professor, and PhD in Electrical Engineering Samel Arslanagic...

Electrotechnology and automation Electromagnetism
Lektor Samel Arslanagic, DTU Elektro (Foto: Privatfoto)
05 OCT

H.C. Ørsted medalje til formidler af elektromagnetisme

Selskabet for Naturlærens Udbredelse (SNU) tildeler H.C. Ørsted Medaljen i sølv til lektor og ph.d. i Electrical Engineering Samel Arslanagic.

Electrotechnology and automation Electromagnetism
Formanden for Elektrofondet Ole Mørk Lauridsen (yderst tv.) lykønsker årets prismodtagere. Modtager af Elektroprisen 2021, Ulrik Krogh Andersen (i midten) flankeres af kandidatprismodtagerne Nikolaj Stoltenborg (tv.) og på sin højre side af Kasper Lærkesen og Erik Hofman-Bang. Foto: Henrik Frydkjær.
15 JUN

Elektrofond uddeler pris til medtech-udvikler

Civilingeniør Ulrik Krogh Andersen er dette års modtager af Elektroprisen, som fredag den 11. juni blev uddelt af Elektrofondet i IDA.

Electrotechnology and automation Space research
26 APR

Arthur D. Yaghjian receives DTU Honorary Doctor Degree

At DTU’s online annual commemoration party on 23 April 2021, Dr. Arthur D. Yaghjian received the DTU Honorary Doctor Degree - Doctor Honoris Causa. The degree is dated...

16 APR

Succesful PhD defence by Arsen Turhaner

On Friday 16 april 2021, PhD student Arsen Turhaner from Electromagnetic Systems succesfully defended his PhD on InP DHBT and SiGe BiCMOS MMIC Design for THz SignalGeneration...

Electrotechnology and automation Microwave technology
DTU-ESA Spherical Near-Field Antenna Test Facility at DTU Electrical Engineering. (Photo: Kim Høltermand)
01 FEB

ESA satellite antennas tested in Denmark

When the new meteorological satellites from 2023 are sent into Earth’s orbit to monitor the world’s weather and climate, part of their equipment will be sensitive antennas...

Antennas Satelittes Space technology and instruments
DTU-ESA Spherical Near-Field Antenna Test Facility på DTU Elektro (Foto: Kim Høltermand).
01 FEB

Antenner til ESA’s satellitter testes i Danmark

Når de nye meteorologiske satellitter fra 2023 sendes i kredsløb om jorden for at overvåge verdens vejr og klima, vil en del af deres udstyr være følsomme antenner, som...

Antennas Satelittes Space technology and instruments
Ridderkorset af Dannebrogsordenen (Foto: Olav Breinbjerg)
03 DEC

Professor i elektromagnetisme tildelt ridderkorset

Professor Olav Breinbjerg er blevet tildelt ridderkorset af Dannebrogordenen for hans mangeårige virke som professor ved DTU.

Electromagnetism Antennas Electrotechnology and automation Microwave technology Satelittes
23 NOV

New test labs under contract for electromagnetic test centre

Milestone: The DTU Electromagnetic Test Centre has three new test laboratories under contract. The laboratories will be installed from mid-June 2021.

Antennas Electromagnetism Electrotechnology and automation Satelittes Space technology and instruments

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