InP DHBT Optimization for mm-Wave Power Applications (IN-POWER)

By Virginio Midili 


With the advent of smartphones, tablets and connected cameras, mobile data traffic is growing at a very fast pace. As a consequence, the capacity of mobile backhaul network must be increased to face this data explosion. In that respect there is at present an increased interest in exploiting the millimeter-wave (mm-wave) frequency range (30-300 GHz) for wireless backhaul.


InP Double Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors (DHBT) emerged as a major solution for integrated power amplifiers operating at millimeter-wave frequencies. This project is dedicated to the optimization of existing technology by modeling and design of device vertical structure and geometry for higher frequency operation, large breakdown voltage, and thermal effects. Main activities include characterization of devices at high-frequency by S-parameters measurements and software simulations for thermal and electrical behavior.


The final result will be the development of electro-thermal large-signal models to aid the design of millimeter-wave power amplifier MMICs 


Completed: 2018