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Best teacher of the semester at DTU Electrical Engineering Tom Keinicke Johansen acknowledged at a virtual Department meeting.
The Society for the Dissemination of Natural Sciences (SNU) awards the H.C. Ørsted Medal in silver for associate professor, and PhD in Electrical Engineering Samel Arslanagic...
Selskabet for Naturlærens Udbredelse (SNU) tildeler H.C. Ørsted Medaljen i sølv til lektor og ph.d. i Electrical Engineering Samel Arslanagic.
At DTU’s online annual commemoration party on 23 April 2021, Dr. Arthur D. Yaghjian received the DTU Honorary Doctor Degree - Doctor Honoris Causa. The degree is dated...
Professor Olav Breinbjerg er blevet tildelt ridderkorset af Dannebrogordenen for hans mangeårige virke som professor ved DTU.
Milestone: The DTU Electromagnetic Test Centre has three new test laboratories under contract. The laboratories will be installed from mid-June 2021.
DTU-ESA Facility passes Test Readiness Review for MetOp SG Prototype Flight Model Measurement Campaign.
Year 2020 marks the 200-year anniversary of the discovery of electromagnetism - a science that lies at the heart of all electro-technology and which thus provides the basis...
The construction of the new building 357 for the DTU Electromagnetic Test Centre has reached a milestone.
Out of the turmoil of the cancelled physical conference event a virtual event successfully emerged.